lv replica handbag For the unlucky soles on Oxford Street without an umbrella, we had the warmth of top class shelters such as Selfridges doorway to huddle under until the ran had stopped, but festival-goers just aren’t that lucky!
It’s a certainty that anyone who has ever been to a festival has experienced it… The sun is shining, you’re happily basking and applying suntan lotion and the next day you wake up to chaos and floods. You sprint to the stalls and find yourself in a cheap replica bags 200 long person queue, in the pouring rain, praying that the shop doesn’t sell out of rain macs and wellies before you get to the front.Packing for a festival is a complicated challenge – It’s the only occasion when you’ll need to pack your cropped levi shorts, bikini top, sundress and shades alongside wellington boots, an umbrella and a rain mac. And despite the wet weather style remains high on the agenda bags replica – every year we hear rave reviews about the outfits worn at festivals by the likes of Kate Moss and Sienna Miller but, god forbid, if ever a celeb gets it wrong we all hear about that too!
At the same time, practicality is of the essence. So to make sure you don’t get stuck in the mud (literally), we’ve put together a checklist covering everything you will ever need at a festival. Follow this list and you’ll never get caught short come rain or shine again!