Along with the crusher of startup, pairs fake "Nike", "adidas" brand sneakers by a belt conveyor burnscall center crusher smash,
nike free running shoes this pressure after people's court is fengtai district Beijing public destruction counterfeit goods at the scene of the registered trademark. Nov. 23,

Beijing fengtai district people's court in small WuJi large solid waste separation transfer to analyse the XingTing accepted the registered trademark goods sell fake together crime loot namely 7324 double counterfeit famous brand sports shoes for public destruction,
nike shox running shoes the destruction of counterfeit brand sneakers totaling 754m last year tons.
32 ZhuangQuan from fujian province, with his wife, LaiJian brother-in-law lai in fengtai a shoes plaza.underneath the registered trademark of "sell fake Nike",
"adidas" brand sneakers by police seized on the spot, and in three rooms inside storeroom seized large sports shoes, totaling 7324 double, appraisal of classics are fake registered trademark goods, value 15.3804 totaling RMB yuan,
nike air running shoes three defendants per capita for selling fake goods by a registered trademark of sin sentence. In order to increase the force of intellectual property protection, severely crack down fake international brand, fengtai courts decide upon the stolen goods for public destruction.